Sunday, July 29, 2018

Splash of Cold Water

Well, I have been complaining and ranting about my super stressful project at work. About working till dawn and losing my weekends for 2 months. Then, came an unexpected news from a close friend. She was diagnosed with a stage 3 cancer. Will undergo mastectomy, then multi-sessions of chemo, followed by daily radiation for weeks. This, plus the huge amount of cash she needs to spend for treatment :(

Truly, an unexpected sad news. But it's like a splash of cold water on me. What have I been complaining about? Yes, I despise the project I'm in, and can't imagine staying longer in this company if this will continue for 1 more month. But hey... I wouldn't and never will I trade my situation with my friend's. Mine is just temporary, and nothing compared to what she's in! Nothing compared also to my situation 5 years ago when I was diagnosed with advanced HIV. 

Sometimes we just focus too much on the negatives...

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Stressed at Work

Been working long hours at the office lately. I've only slept for 3 hours for 5 consecutive days. Working this weekend, and on holidays next week. I'm seeing this will continue for the next 3 weeks. 

Fuck, this is draining me. Physically for the lack of sleep, and more so, emotionally for the pressure and stress I'm eating! For the curse my boss is giving. Confidence level is too low now. 

Damn, this is taking a toll on my self-confidence, health and CD4. Last time I was so stressed at work was in 2013, when my CD4 dropped to all time low, got TB and Pneumonia and I found out I'm positive. I won't let that happen again. 

Fine, I've decided, this work pressure is just not worth it! Konting tiis na lang, I'll try to finish this project not to please my boss, but for the team who is staying with me to finish this project. Then, I swear, I'm gonna quit this job. I'd rather earn 50% less but still get a life after 6, than earn 50% more but live a miserable corporate life.  After all, I work to live - not live to work!