Sunday, October 8, 2017

New Pillbox

This was my pillbox 3-4 years ago. My daily meds could hardly fit in my 28-slot yellow pillbox. I was literally playing sungka every Sunday to organize my weekly pills. If I remember correctly, these were my meds: Fluconazole, Isoniazid, Azythromycin, Cotrimoxazole, Lamividune-Tenofovir-Efavirenz, Vit B Complex. For some of these, I take more than one tab per day.

Fast forward to 2017 (6 months ago), my CD4 finally reached 285, second CD4 test in a row that my CD4 count is over the 200 threshold. I finally heard what I’ve been wishing to hear from my doctor: "Prophylaxis days are over. No more liver-unfriendly antibiotics!"

Now, my yellow pill box is almost empty. Less meds to take. Good bye Sungka. My yellow pillbox has way too many slots for my one tablet a day ARV. Time to change my pill box!

Thank God! 4 years ago, when I was in my worst condition, I said “This too shall pass!” My new pillbox is proof of that saying! Worst has really passed.

Indeed, HIV doesn’t necessary kill. There’s treatment for it. ARV works like wonder!
So, get tested… now!  Before it's too late.